How to write a winning Tender

After having familiarized myself with the project I make a template for the Tender. It is ensured that the template covers all subjects from the tender docs. I am levelling the template with my Client and we inspire each other as how to sharpen the template.

It is also at this stage that we make a schedule for the production of the Tender, so that it is clear to the Clients Tender team who is delivering what kind of material at a given point in time.

Usually it is a mixture of the following components:

  • I am writing the whole Tender myself
  •  Members of the Tender team are writing certain chapters.
  • I draw on the competences of the Client’s employees. They tell me how they see the task and I am doing the writing and the sketching.

The latter is interesting because in the process I am presented with a lot of competence and brilliant ideas from people who don’t know quite how to put it in writing. In this situation I add value.

Then I work with the Tender. Mostly it is an iterative process with a learning curve. During the process I realize that, given the latest obtained information, former good ideas are less relevant. Then I go back and adjust, write new pages, and move forward.

When the Tender is nearly finished I am printing a draft for my Client. We are going through the draft, we are adding comments and together we focus and align the Tender. Then I correct and update the Tender and make it ready for submittal.

I stay with the Tender team until the last signature is secured, the Tender is uploaded or printed in a hard copy.

This routine is repeated as many times as the Tender shall be submitted. Between the submittals we have meetings with the Employer and on his advice, we increase the value of this Most Economically Advantageous Tender.


Michael Benedict Thulstrup headed the tender team when MT Højgaard and BESIX executed a bid for this Design and Build Contract. Niras played the design role.

In September 2022 MT Højgaard and BESIX were awarded the contract to execute a 1.4 km insitu casted tunnel. At the top of the picture the new tunnel shall be connected to the existing tunnel and at the bottom at the picture, at Nordhavn, ramps will lead the traffic to and from the tunnel.

It was important to the Client to find a solution which was robust and which took into account the leisure boats in the harbor.

Together with our Belgium partner, BESIX, we developed a solution that was robust and different and kept the passage for the leisure boats open at all times, thus creating minimum disturbance to the users of the harbor.

The tender period lasted for several months and my role included:

  • Assisting the Tender Manager in supporting and facilitating the bid process
  • Setting-up a template addressing the relevant items from the tender docs
  • Via descriptions, pictures and sketches to illustrate the delivery and how the works would be executed.
  • Receive and incorporate text and pictures from our partners

I had a fine collaboration with the tender team and we made fine scores for the description.

New Railway Bridge connecting Lolland and Falster

Peter Falk headed the tender team when MT Højgaard executed a bid for this Design and Build Contract. Cowi played the design role.

In the summer 2022 MT Højgaard was awarded the contract to execute a 300 m long railway bridge connecting Lolland and Falster. Banedanmark (responsible for the Danish railways) was the Client. The bridge is consisting of 13 sections supported by drilled piles. The middle section is a bascule section which is operated in sync with the existing bridge allowing ships to pass.

It was important to Banedanmark to find a solution which could meet the severe requirements for minimum movement, should a vessel collide with the bridge.

The tender period lasted for several months including two submittals. Between the submittals the contractor was advised how to sharpen the tender, which we did.

My roll included:

  • Set-up a template addressing the relevant items from the tender docs.
  • Adjust the template and the description along with the results of the evaluation.
  • Via descriptions, pictures and sketches to illustrate the delivery and how the works would be executed.

I had a fine collaboration with the tender team  and we made fine scores for the description.

Copenhagen Airport

New Pier, Frederikshavn Harbour

Jørn Asmussen and Jacob Skaar from CG Jensen made a bid for this design and build contract.

In the spring of 2020 CG Jensen won the contract to execute the works which consisted of a Pier where, on the one side a dry-dock of 160 m can moor and on the other side a conventional vessel up to 225 m can dock.

The tender period lasted since the autumn of 2019 inclusive of evaluation meetings where the Client had the possibility to refine the tender docs.

My roll included:

  • Set-up a template addressing the relevant items from the tender docs.
  • Adjust the template and the description along with the results of the evaluation.
  • Via descriptions, pictures and sketches to illustrate the delivery and how the works would be executed.

I had a fine collaboration with CG Jensen and we made fine scores for the description.

Copenhagen AirportCopenhagen Airport initiates extension of the airport at more than 500 Mio €.

Copenhagen Airport, Terminal 3

Aarsleff (Tender Manager Per Folkenberg and Senior Design Manager Agnete Kaldan) made a bid for the vast extension of Copenhagen Airport.
The main challenge was to convince the owner of the contract, that Aarsleff together with COWI, Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter and Zeso Architects was capable of visualizing, design and execute the 80,000 m2 vast refurbishment- and construction project. The main challenge was to describe how this could be done with a minimum of disturbance to the 30 million people passing through the airport on an annual basis.

In relation to the Value Proposition, my tasks comprised of:

  • Making a template for the Value Proposition
  • Working together with the employees of Aarsleff in order to secure that all relevant competencies where reflected in the Value Proposition
  • Ensure that all questions and concerns in the tender docs were addressed
  • Describe how to execute the design and construction works
  • Monitor the process so we knew at all times, what was the next step, and who was responsible

Aarsleff was awarded a Million Euro Contract.

Steno Diabetes Centre Copenhagen

Steno Diabetes Centre Copenhagen

Aarsleff (Tender Manager Per Folkenberg and Søren Birk Hansen) made a bid for the concrete structures for the new Diabetes Centre at the compound of Herlev Hospital.
The main challenge was to convince the owner of the contract that Aarsleff was capable of executing heavy construction works in the absolute vicinity of a main hospital in full operation. This required e.g. a plan illustrating how to run the jobsite.

My tasks comprised:

– Make a template for the description
– Keep in contact with the employees of Aarsleff in order to secure that all relevant competences where reflected in the tender description
– Ensure that all questions and concerns in the tender docs were addressed
– Describe the competences of the organization
– Describe how to execute the construction works close to a hospital in full operation.
– Monitor the process so we knew at all times what was the next step and who was responsible

Aarsleff received an impressive response from the Owner of the Contract.


Bridge passing over Folehaven

Bladt Industries (Sales & Tender Manager Jon Hagen) made a bid for a steel bridge carrying pedestrian and bicycle traffic over Folehaven.

Folehaven is a junction where one of the main highways is feeding traffic into the Capital.

The challenge was to make a description of the construction phase which could convince Copenhagen Municipality (the Client) that Bladt Industries was fully capable of handling a heavy infrastructure project in a condensed area while satisfying all major stake holders.

My tasks comprised:

  • Make a template for the description
  • Write the tender and illustrate this with sketches based on which the Client in an easily comprehendible way would understand Bladts´ planning of the task.
  • Keep in contact with the employees of Bladt in order to secure that all relevant competences where reflected in the tender description.
  • Ensure that all questions and concerns in the tender docs where addressed.
  • Monitor the process so we knew at all times what was the next step and who was responsible.

Bladt Industries won the Tender.

Viden til leje

Copenhagen Lightrail

CG Jensen (area managers Christian Levinsen and Kenneth Møller) were making bids for 3 stretches of the Lightrail line and one bid for the control- and maintenance building.

This was Tendered as design- and build contracts and the contractors technical consultant was Tyréns.

The Tender period lasted 12 months and the Tenders were submitted 3 times as Most Economically Advantageous Tenders.

In the Tender period we had evaluation meetings with the Employer, Hovedstadens Letbane.

My assignment comprised:

  • Making templates for the Tenders
  • Writing all the Tenders
  • Be in contact with CG Jensens employees to secure that all competences of CG Jensen were reflected in the Tender
  • Making time schedules, organization charts and all figures and sketches for the Tender
  • Securing that all items from the tender docs were covered in the Tender
  • Securing that all members of the Tender team were aware of next step and who was responsible
  • Participating in meetings with Hovedstadens Letbane
  • Participating in meetings with Tyréns

CG Jensen was awarded the contracts

Bladt logoMetro bridge

Bladt Industries (Tender Manager Jon Hagen) was making a bid for the Metro bridge.

This concerned a 200 m pedestrian steel bridge at 7 meters elevation in Copenhagen Airport. The purpose of the steel bridge was to carry passengers from the metro station to the security gates without occupying the busy ground floor.

In the Tender it was paramount to show how to carry out the construction creating minimum disturbance to the airport.

My assignment comprised:

  • Making a template for the Tender
  • Writing the Tender
  • Be in contact with Bladts’ employees to secure that all competences of Bladt Industries were reflected in the Tender
  • Making time schedule, organization chart and all figures and sketches for the Tender.
  • Securing that all items from the tender docs were covered in the Tender

Bladt Industries was awarded the contract.

Vindende tilbud

Aarsleff logoRailway bridges.

Aarsleff (department Manager Kaj Lykkeberg) was making a bid for the construction of the bridges.

The purpose of the bridges was to carry local railway traffic and to make room for the new Copenhagen Ringsted Railway.

One bridge was a steel bridge and the other bridge was a concrete bridge.

My assignment comprised:

  • Making a template for the Tender
  • Writing part of the Tender
  • Collecting materials and secure that all inputs were uniformed so the Tender presented itself as one coherent document
  • Securing that all items from the tender docs were covered in the Tender
  • Securing that all members of the Tender team were aware of next step and who was responsible.

Aarsleff was awarded the contract